E-commerce and types of E-commerce

sbappy i
2 min readAug 9, 2021

Hi, I am Md. Sajjadul Islam Bappy. In this post, I will discuss E-commerce and types of E-commerce.

What is E-commerce?🛒

E-commerce is electronic commerce that you can buy and sell products at all times 24 hours over the internet. Like my friend shaharin buy some books from rokomari.com.

List of E-commerce in Bangladesh🛒

  1. Rokomai
  2. Daraz
  3. Food Panda
  4. Chaldal
  5. Bikroy
  6. Pathao

Type of E-commerce🔥

There are four types of E-commerce.

  • Business-to-Business (B2B)
  • Business-to-Consumer (B2C)
  • Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)
  • Consumer-to-Business (C2B)


B2B business model, a business sells its product or service to another business. Samsung is a big display creator company and Apple, MI, and Vivo are also big company but they buy displays from Samsung. Then Apple, MI, and Vivo have modified Samsung displays and added some new fetchers then use this display. This model is business to business.

Business-to-Consumer (B2C)🔥

B2C business model, a business sells its product or service to a Consumer. Microsoft has a lot of premises software. Sadat needs software. He buys software from Microsoft. This model is business to consumer.

Consumer-to-Business (C2B)🔥

C2B business model, a Consumer sells its product or service to a Business. Like my friend jewel, he is a software engineer (Consumer) and shaharin is CEO of a company(Business). He needs software then he deals with the jewel. Shaharin says If are you create our software I will pay you 5000$. Jewel says I agree with you. Then jewel creates her software and shaharin buys software from jewel. This model is a consumer-to-business.

Consumer-to-Consumer (C2B)🔥

C2C business model, a Consumer sells its product or service to another Consumer. Jewel has a bike🏍️. He wants to sell her bike and Sourov wants to buy a bike. Jewel post on bikroy.com and sourov contact with jewel. Then sourov buys a bike from jewel. This model is consumer to consumer.

if you get any wrong in this article please told me.

Thank you for reading my article:)

